Governor Gavin Newsom Unveils California COVID “SMARTER” Plan

Speaking in a giant Fontana warehouse filled with PPE, California Governor Gavin Newsom laid his future “SMARTER” plan for the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. SMARTER is an acronym for Shots, Masks, Awareness, Readiness, Testing, Education and Rx. Newsom’s plan calls for a task force to handle any outbreaks, new variants and rapidly address Read More…


California Mask Mandate to End February 15th

California Governor Gavin Newsom will end the statewide mask mandate on February 15th. Newsom sent out a tweet citing dropping COVID cases since the Omicron peak. Cases have dropped by 65%. Newsom says hospitalizations have stabilized across the state. The governor says unvaccinated people still need to wear masks in indoor settings. He also encourages Read More…


Governor Newsom Activates National Guard to Help at COVID Test Sites

California Governor Newsom will deploy the national guard to assist staff at COVID test sites. The guard will help boost capacity as test sites around the state become overwhelmed with increased traffic as more people test for COVID. Two-hundred guard members will be deployed to take on tasks such as clinical staffing and crowd control. Read More…


San Bernardino County Residents 16 and Older Can Now Receive Vaccine

Residents in San Bernardino County 16 years and older are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. There are three FDA approved vaccines being administered across the county. “This represents another milestone in our effort to get this pandemic under control and return life to normal in San Bernardino County,” said the County’s Interim Health Read More…


San Bernardino and Riverside Counties Reach Orange Tier

Both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties have reached the state’s Orange Tier status under the safer reopening plan. The Orange tier eases more restrictions. Dozens of businesses are allowed to open to 50% capacity including restaurants, retail stores and movie theatres. Bars and Bowling alleys are also able to open for business. Wineries and Breweries Read More…